Beagles are a friendly, small breed dog that are great for families with small children. Beagles are known as “scenthounds” because they are loved by hunters to help sniff out game. Because beagels are used by many hunters the breed is used having lots of exercise. If you do not regularly take your beagle hunting you need to give them an outlet to exercise and train. Regularly playing with your beagle is a great way to socialize, train, and get them exercise. Buying a few toys is a great way to keep your Beagle healthy and engaged. If you frequently leave your Beagle at home while at work or shopping toys are a great way to occupy their time throughout the day. Below we have created a buying guide the lays out our top 10 toy selections for Beagles. Our team tested over 100 different dog toys with our Beagle named Chip. We noticed Chip loved squeaky toys and tog of war the most, so we incuded his favorite options here. Additionally, we included toys that work well with small breed dogs and were made by reliable manufacturers. Every toy included in this buying guide we have bought for our own dogs. Let us know which toy you like most in the comments!
The Top 10 Beagle Toys of 2021