Boston Terriers are extremely intelligent small breed dogs that are great for families with existing pets. Although they were originally bred to be fighting dogs Boston Terriers are extremely affectionate and loving pets. Their great disposition and coat pattern has earned them the name “American Gentlemen”. Their small size and easy going nature makes Boston Terriers great companions for pet parents who live in cities or Urban areas. No matter where your dog lives it is important to make sure they have plenty of exercise if they do not have a yard to run around in. Below we have created a buying guide that lists our top 10 toy picks for Boston Terriers. We choose these toys specifically after testing over 100 dog toys specifically designed for small breed pets. Based on our test results with several Boston Terriers we noticed that they loved squeaky toys and playing fetch the most. Additionally, Boston Terriers are known to have dental problems. Because of this we have included several chew toys that help fight plaque for small breed dogs. Please keep in mind that every toy included in this guide was manufactured with non toxic materials so you can rest easy knowing your pet is compeltely safe when they are playing with their new toy!
The Top 10 Boston Terrier Toys of 2021