Pugs are extremely affectionate and friendly small breed dogs that make great house pets for young families. Although pugs are a muscular for their size they are a very low maintenance dog breed. more than anything, pugs love to be around people. If. you are considering getting a pug you should be prepared to play with them! Below we have included our top 10 picks for pug toys. We selected these toys by letting our favorite pug, Jake, play with over 50 toys for small breeds. Although pugs are relatively low maintenance dogs you need to be careful when pick out their toys and food. Pugs have very flat faces which give them lots of trouble when trying to pick up food or toys. Because of this we have inlcuded a list of toys that were extremely easy for Jake the pug to pick up and play with. Rest assured that all the toys included below were made with non toxic and BPA free materials.
The Top 10 Pug Toys of 2021