Puppy Product Reviews Articles and Education - Page 2 of 17 - Puppy Data


bernese mountain dog toys

The Top 10 Bernese Mountain Dog Toys of 2021

Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely intelligent, hardworking dogs that love the cold weather. Originally domesticated in the Swiss Alps, Bernese Mountain dogs were used to help resuce people in poor weather conditions. Berners are typically aloof dogs so you need to make sure you spend socializing your pup with other pets and strangers. This not …

The Top 10 Bernese Mountain Dog Toys of 2021 Read More »

boston terrier toys

The Top 10 Boston Terrier Toys of 2021

Boston Terriers are extremely intelligent small breed dogs that are great for families with existing pets. Although they were originally bred to be fighting dogs Boston Terriers are extremely affectionate and loving pets. Their great disposition and coat pattern has earned them the name “American Gentlemen”. Their small size and easy going nature makes Boston …

The Top 10 Boston Terrier Toys of 2021 Read More »