West Highland White Terriers are extremely loyal and fiercly vocal small breed dogs. Originially bred to hunt small rats and rodents West Highland Terriers have a fiesty personality and are fiercly loyal to their family members. If you are thinking about adopting a West Highland Terrier you need to be prepared to give them lots of attention. West Highland Terriers loathe being bored and always want someone to play with or chase. Due to their high energy levels and fierce intelligence it is important to equip your Westie with plenty of toys for exercise and mental stimulation. Because Westies are a small breed many pet parents in urban areas like to adopt them. This typically limits the amount of exercise they get. Toys prevent a great outlet for Westies to not only get exercise but also become socilaized with other people and pets. Below we have created a buying guide the reviews the top 10 toys for West Highland Terriers. Our team evaluated and verified thousands of reviews from pet parents to make sure the information provided below is verifiably accurate. Our team reviewed over 100 toys to make sure everything included in this list can be easily picked up and played with by a West Highland Terriers. Becase of thier small size many Westies struggle to pick up standard sized toys. Additionally, we made sure to include several puzzle games as well to keep your pup mentally stimulated when they are left alone in the house.
The Top 10 West Highland White Terrier Toys of 2021