Yorkshire Terries are great pets for pet parents that live in small houses or apartments. These small breed dogs are extremely friendly, relatively quiet, and make great lap dogs on a cold night. Yorskire Terriers were originally bred to hunt mice and rats in homes and restaurants. Because of this Yorkies are bred to hunt prey they still require a lot of exercise. Yorkeis love playing fetch, tug of war, and chewing squeaky toys. Additionally, Yorkies tend to have lots of plaque build up so buying them hard chew toys are a great way to promote their dental health as well. Below we have greated a buying guide that lists out our top 10 dog toys for Yorkshire Terriers. These toys are great for small breeds that like to exercise due to their size and shape. Additionally, we have inlcuded several dental options to help reduce the plaque build up from your pup’s teeth.
The Top 10 Yorkshire Terrier Toys of 2021